16 April 2009

Road Trip!!!!!

Ha, so the past couple days I haven't written anything because it's been really busy. We drove from Tegucigalpa to Choluteca, a city that's about 2 hours away. The road to Choluteca reminds me of the road to Canyon Lake in AZ. Yeah, except for imagine this..... Those windy roads on hills, in a bus, with a driver on crack, power sliding around the corners, and passing people up on the blind turns. Scariest thing EVER!!! And I don't get scared easily. These people are the craziest drivers I have ever seen! But it makes it so fun haha. I was expecting Choluteca to be a dirtier, less developed city, only to find that it is cleaner and at about the same level as Tegucigalpa. The clinics have been great here so far. Very organized, we're in an air conditioned room, nothing to complain about. I have to admit that today I didn't really feel like doing my job all day, but I'm seeing it in everyone at this point. We just always have to remember that it's not about us, it's about showing Him through our work with the people. Oh! Today, I was on the case of the 1st seargent of Choluteca, who is a member of the Church of God 7th day here, by the way. He's a cool guy, lots of interesting stories, and generally a cool guy. He's gonna have a bunch of his guys patrol the area we're gonna be in when we wrap up the mission at a soccer stadium on Saturday.

Oh, another interesting thing. The local news channels showed up today and interviewed a bunch of us and did a whole piece on the mission on the evening news, and yes, yours truly was on Honduran television!!! hahaha

One patient today really got to me. A 19 year old guy, came in and looked really lethargic the whole time. When we asked about his symptoms he would give short yes and no answers and wouldn't look up at us. He showed signs of depression and of defensiveness (hand close to his waist, etc). So I finally asked him what was wrong. I knew something was wrong. So he began to cry and opened up a bit about his situation at home. without going into much detail, I can tell you that his situation at home is not at all good. The kid is very depressed and lives a miserable situation, and his situation just really touched me. I felt so much for him because that could be ME. A 19 year old guy, and at such a young age to live so sad, with no enthusiasm, no responsiveness, is so... I don't even know the word. It just made me put myself in his situation. He has no future because he works constantly, and his life is a mess. It puts things into perspective and let me realize that I am so overwhelmingly blessed to be where I am. That even when life seems hard to deal with at home, it's nothing compared to the lives of others like me. Remember that people, that we are fortunate and need to thank God for what we have, the family we have, and everything that He's given us.

Well I gotta do some homework now, but see ya guys soon! I'll be home on Monday!



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I will comment this tomorrow... even thought i am commenting it right now... haha it's cause yeah i am EXHAUSTED!!!! and cant really understand what those letters you wrote... hahah
well till then!

-Pablo =D